An Inebriated Young Woman Hailing From the Rural North Found Herself Enamored With a Nobleman From the Central Region, Who Had Recently Experienced the Termination of His Engagement
An Inebriated Young Woman Hailing From the Rural North Found Herself Enamored With a Nobleman From the Central Region, Who Had Recently Experienced the Termination of His Engagement
By HellHound
0 Chapters
2 Reviews
Ria, a young woman of 20 years, and the daughter of a prominent lord from the north, attended her first evening party in the center. However, feeling overwhelmed with nerves, she chose not to venture out into the crowd. Instead, she opted to stay inside and have a glass of wine brought to her by a waiter. It’s worth mentioning that all the wines served at the event were carefully selected by a noble named Lord Aisline.

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